PathSolutions Reveals Natural Language Solution for Business Systems

SANTA CLARA, Calif, June 26: PathSolutions revealed that Natural Language Troubleshooting will be obtainable in their TotalView v8 NLT release, obtainable in September 2017. With this release, customers can request TotalView plain-English questions to ascertain and analyze the root-causes of network glitches.

“Senior-level engineers no longer have to deal with troubleshooting tickets – they can be relegated to the helpdesk or telecom teams so problems get solved quicker by the individuals responsible in their particular areas,” revealed Tim Titus, CTO of PathSolutions.

For instance, a model question might be: “What happened in the New York network twenty minutes ago?” and the system would recognize inconsistencies that transpired in that system at that timeframe. Additional questions for example analyzing snags between points would also be sustained: “What happened between San Francisco and Atlanta at 2:35pm?” A path-diagnostic would then examine the system between the two sites, and examine the performance of every component along the trail at that phase. It then evaluates the data to obtain the root-cause of the snag and deliver a plain-English reaction.

Furthermore, the NLT release will comprise Amazon Echo assimilation that allows voice exchanges. For instance, one could tell: “Alexa, ask TotalView what just happened in the Atlanta network?” and it will react with “The Atlanta2 switch trunk port changed status to down.”

“The ability to use natural English questions means that nearly anyone can use TotalView to find out where their network weak-points are. With a simple English question, TotalView can dig into the vast amount of network operation and performance data it collects, and use its Network Prescription Engine analytics to find problems and report them back in plain-English,” revealed Tim Titus, CTO of PathSolutions.


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