WASHINGTON, October 20: The written word is obtaining a great deal of adoration as people put pen to paper and fingers to keyboards for the National Day on Writing®. Currently in its ninth year, this yearly commemoration is boosted up by means of tens of thousands of social posts to the #WhyIWrite hashtag. The National Council of Teachers of English started this yearly episode in 2009 to emphasize the significance of writing. Whether people are dispatching text messages, posting status updates, crafting emails, or jotting down lists, writing has never been more essential to the daily existence of people. "Powerful, yet not wholly understood, writing surrounds us and our students," revealed NCTE President Jocelyn A. Chadwick, adding, “Empowering them to see, comprehend, examine, and master the audience, purpose, and occasion of writing throughout life's every facet—to use words well—defines our amazing, dauntingly humble, powerful task as educators." ...