Devouring the uneatable just to survive, mud now an addiction for Jharkhand farmer
Jan 21: The revelation that a farmer from Jharkhand Karu Paswan
has subsisted on mud since he was eleven to stave of poverty is shocking and
brings to the fore how the underprivileged in the country are compelled to find
ways and means just for their survival. Karu Paswan has now developed a liking
for mud which has turned into an addiction of sorts and his mature age of 99 in
which he is fit and strong makes many wonder whether the secret to his long
life is the consumption of the filth as is commonly referred to by the advantaged
classes. . The fact that Karu has been consuming mud since he was 11 prompts
one to ponder over the fact how people can go to any extent to fulfill their
Though Karu Paswan is fit and healthy even after eating mud
which in common parlance is often labelled as dirt, it does not necessarily
mean that such habits should be encouraged. There are weird reports in India
even today of the deprived surviving on leaves which are not commonly eaten and
even grasses and weeds. Bizarre instances of the starving, eating fruits unfit
for consumption have also come to the fore. While India boasts of many
technological accomplishments and grand progress made on the economic front both
the rural as well as the urban poor continue to be victims of a system where
their voice is seldom heard. Before every election political outfits make significant
electoral promises for the voters especially the poor who form the bulk of the electorate
only to forget the pledges once in power.
It is high time that the people at the helm of affairs give
a serious thought to the progress of the underprivileged class who can go to
any extent to consume food unfit for human consumption for satisfying their
hunger and fulfilling the demands of the family. Karu Paswan took to eating mud
as he had a large family to feed. Such a pathetic tale should goad the politicians
to review their strategy about the welfare of the poor and not rely merely on
publicity stunts.
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