
Rohingiyas and Bangladeshi infiltrators

        Reports of Rohingiya Muslims and infiltrators from Bangladesh stealthily entering Himachal Pradesh is a cause for alarm and apprehension in the popular hill resort of Shimla. The construction of an illegal mosque that gives refugee to the Rohingiya Muslims and Bangladeshi infiltrators has justifiably sparked anger among the residents of Shimla. The fact that the Rohingyas are known for their ferocious nature and their propensity to indulge in criminal activities has created a sense of fear among those residing in Shimla for decades. Reports which suggest that areas around the illegal mosque has witnessed a spurt in crimes including abduction, assault on local businessmen and misdemeanor with womenfolk in recent times was unthinkable even not so long ago. The abject failure of the administration to prevent the unhindered influx of Rohingyas and Bangladeshi infiltrators is indeed despicable. What is surprising is the way these unscrupulous elements evade the security personnel wh

The Supreme Court and Dearness Allowance

 The decision of the Apex Court to defer the ongoing case linked to the non payment of dearness allowance dues to the employees of the West Bengal government till January 7, 2025 is rather surprising considering the fact that it is connected with the fate of several lakhs of employees who have been deprived of their rightful dues. This particular case stands in sharp contrast to  other cases concerning West Bengal which have been dealt with expeditiously by the topmost Court of the country. The West Bengal government employees have been agitating for quite sometime now and have justifiably been demanding the payment of the Dearness Allowance at par with their central government counterparts. While the majority of the states in the country have hiked the quantum of dearness allowance that it pays to it employees close to what the employees of the central government, West Bengal is the only state where the difference between the dearness allowance it pays to its  employees and those rece

BJP's pathetic bypoll display

 BJP'S debacle in the recently concluded by poll elections that were held across seven states the results of which were declared today clearly shows the dominance of the INDIA block with the alliance bagging ten out the thirteen seats while the BJP and its allies the NDA, the ruling dispensation at the centre could win in only two seats. An independent candidate won the other seat that was up for grabs. The by poll results which come in the wake of the NDA forming the government at the centre for the third time in succession though with a not so resounding a mandate in its favour does not augur well for the saffron brigade and its alliance partners. INDIA blocks ability to consolidate it's position among the electorate in the current political scenario is a clear signal that the Modi-Shah combine has not succeeded in wooing the voters with their poll of strategy. The results are indicative of the growing disillusionment of the voters with the Government's unsatisfactory per

The Father of the Nation

 In an alarming revelation exposing the poor knowledge about the history of Indian independence struggle among the present generation,  a number of youngsters were at their wits end when asked by an interviewer to name who  father of the nation was. Surprisingly none of  those who faced the question could come up with the appropriate reply. The interviewer Ashoke Pandey who questioned the people  he came across at random got ludicrous answers that raised several questions about the quality of education imparted to them by the institutions they studied.The entire question answer session was posted by Ashok Pandey on X which unveiled the gross ignorance of the so called literate section of the society and has raised serious questions about the standard of academic environment where they were taught and nurtured. Those who were questioned regarding the response about the father of the nation came up with weird and ridiculous answers. While a young woman said with a great deal of confidenc

To laugh or not to laugh

 The decision of the authorities of Yamagata a  town in Northern  Japan making it compulsory for its residents to laugh at least once everyday is rather intersting as it tries to emphasize on the fact that laughter is the best medicine as per traditionally accepted facts. The practice of laughing loudly once a day  was introduced through an ordinance following a study undertaken at a local university  which revealed that there was concrete evidence about the beneficial effects of laughter that was good for cardiovascular functions and overall well being.  The Yamagata University came to the conclusion about the positive effects of laughter following the observations about the fruitful outcome of laughter in a scientific study published in the Journal of Epidemiology. Although the practice of laughing loudly in groups is quite common in many nations for keeping a person in good physical and mental state this is the first time that an ordinance has been passed by the authorities of the n

Dating app and the brave mother

 The perilous way in which a Kolkata man was abducted after he registered for a dating app and the bitter consequences he faced during the course of his involvement with the dubious app has raised concerns about such fraudulent apps which target people to extract money from them. The unsuspecting youth desirous of spending his time in an enjoyable way befriended a lady who was using a fake profile of which he was not aware and was invited to the women's flat where he was confined and assaulted by several people belonging to the unscrupulous network that wanted to make monetary profits by targetting him. The gang demanded a ransom of Rs one lakh from his mother after calling her up and letting her know about her son's condition. But the mother stood firm  and did not let the threat posed by the criminals unnerve her. She instantly sought the help of the police who instructed her to let her son's abductor know that she was willing to pay for her son's release. As told by

The Good Samaritans of Kolkata

 The efforts by a group of men sharing identical thoughts, Kolkata We Care, to feed those who find it tough to manage even a single meal a day in the  City of Joy through Food ATMS is really laudable. The novel feature of the endeavour of this organisation is to collect food that people waste at eateries and provide the hungry with the same  to fill their stomach for survival. The organisation launched its first food ATM in Kolkata in 2017 that provide food to nearly fifty people who are not properly fed. Encouraged by the success, the organisation has now decided to extend their food ATMs to other parts of Kolkata so that a greater number of people can be furnished with food which gets wasted unnessarily by those who are oblivious of the fact that there are numerous people who spend the entire day in search of something to put in their mouth and go to bed with hunger. The efforts of 'Kolkata We Care' deserves special praise for providing the hungry with food which is the most