Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Vision Improves with MD Stem Cells Treatment

USA, September 23: Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), a disease of the retina, can lead to permanent vision loss and blindness. An astounding 11 million people currently have AMD in the United States and it is expected to impact over 280 million people worldwide in the next 20 years. WHAT JUST HAPPENED: A new autologous stem cell approach, developed by MD Stem Cells, has now been shown to be highly effective for patients with dry AMD. Using the patient's own stem cells in a prescribed fashion, the MD Stem Cells treatment demonstrated a remarkable benefit to patients, with 63% of treated eyes showing significant improvement in vision and a remaining 34% of treated eyes showing vision stability. In total, a true benefit to 97% of dry AMD eyes. Results were found to be statistically significant- the gold standard for confirming these results are accurate and this specific treatment is responsible for the benefit reported. Results have been published in the Medicines Journal- a highly regarded international medical journal. The article is titled Stem Cell Ophthalmology Treatment Study (SCOTS): Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells in the Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT: What makes the MD Stem Cells’ treatment particularly important is that no medication has previously been found to treat dry AMD. Taking a formulation of certain vitamins and minerals called AREDS2 may reduce the risk of bleeding or wet AMD, but only during the intermediate form of dry AMD. Unfortunately AREDS2, vitamins or diet have not been shown to improve or stabilize patient vision. The MD Stem Cell SCOTS treatment is the first approach to have proven benefit to vision. DETAILS OF RESULTS: The key points of the MD Stem Cell report were that 63% of dry AMD eyes treated and monitored for at least one year had vision improvement. Improvements in visual acuity averaged 27.6% and ranged up to 44.6% on a scientific vision scale called LogMAR. An additional 34% of eyes remained stable for the follow up period- meaning no additional vision loss was found in these eyes that had been losing vision previously. The findings were highly statistically significant with p < 0.001, meaning that the results overwhelmingly met the medical standard of certainty that this specific stem cell treatment technology was responsible for the improvements seen. THE TREATMENT: The Stem Cell Treatment Ophthalmology Study II - abbreviated SCOTS2, uses the patient’s own bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) placed in two specific areas of the orbit, followed by intravenous. The study is Institutional Board Approved and National Institutes of Health registered on NCT 03011541. All patients receive active stem cell treatment; there is no placebo or sham. OTHER EYE DISEASES THIS CAN HELP: The physicians involved with MD Stem Cells now have 14 world class medical and scientific publications reporting their positive results in a number of different retinal and optic nerve diseases. Their experiences encompasses other additional eye conditions, many of which have shown improvement. These include other types of retinal diseases such as Stargardt, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Usher, Stargardts, Cone-Rod, Rod-Cone, Cone dystrophy, Bests dystrophy, non-perfusion retinopathy, retinal injury, retinal inflammation such as POHS or choroiditis, certain diabetic retinopathies and certain post Retinal Detachment vision loss. A number of optic nerve conditions have also responded including Glaucoma, NAION, LHON, ADOA, optic nerve ischemia/ neuropathy/ optic neuritis/optic atrophy/ and optic nerve compression. This is vastly more than any other stem cell research group working with eye disease and should be reassuring to patients and health care providers seeking treatment options. WHAT TO REMEMBER: The statistics and confirmation of benefit only apply to MD Stem Cells specific approach to stem cell treatment of dry AMD. Dr. Levy concludes: "Our research has shown that patients with dry AMD accepted and choosing to participate in the SCOTS2 have a significant likelihood of either improving or stabilizing their vision. MD Stem Cells has worked to achieve the safest, most effective approach to dry AMD- with gratifying success.” HOW TO GET MORE INFORMATION: Patients may best receive information about participating in SCOTS2 by emailing Dr. Levy at with their name, cell phone, email address and brief history of their disease. They may also use the contact us page on or reach him at 203-423-9494. The Stem Cell Ophthalmology Study 2 is enrolling patients with different retina and optic nerve diseases. Treatment is available in Florida, USA and Dubai, UAE. MD Stem Cells has no grant support and is not a pharmaceutical company; this is a patient sponsored studies and the patients pay for both treatment and travel.


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