Psychedelic Transformation Coach Mar Rajsombat Helps Professionals Find Their Path to Authenticity, Freedom, and Purpose

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, May 23: Mar Rajsombat - a Vancouver-based psychedelic transformation coach with an extensive background and education in psychedelics, psychology, and spirituality - is proud to help her clients find authenticity, freedom, and purpose. Throughout the past three years, humanity has faced an unprecedented global pandemic and its many side effects. Many struggled through lockdowns, lost jobs, and a general sense of helplessness, leading many to wonder: What do I want to do with my life? Enter Mar Rajsombat and her extensive six-month private psychedelic coaching program. As a psychedelic transformation coach, Mar works with professionals who feel unfulfilled and stuck in their current circumstances. “I’ve been in the same place as many of my clients,” says Mar. “Previously in my life, I’ve felt lost and like I was tied to a career that didn’t bring me joy. But nobody has to settle.” Mar’s six-month coaching program is explicitly designed to help participants find professional, personal, and spiritual growth. Through psilocybin microdosing guidance, growth and accountability exercises, and weekly conversations, program participants can expect to find their more authentic selves, culminating in a rediscovering of purpose, identity, and values. Adds Mar, “I tell all of my students the same thing: The answers are already inside of you. The trick is to peel back the layers and quiet the mental noise to gain access to your inner wisdom.”


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