More than 50% of America who Smoke or Vape Have Lied to Their Health Insurer About It According to a Survey; Another 23% of Americans confess to driving a vehicle while high on cannabis

NEW YORK, Sept. 28:Though smoking cigarettes has become increasingly less popular since the 2000s, many adults still smoke tobacco products and/or cannabis. Meanwhile, vaping has become a popular alternative, especially among young adults. According to a survey conducted by ValuePenguin, over 50% of consumers who smoke or vape lied to their health insurer about it. Some even admit to driving under the influence of cannabis. Key findings: Nearly 1 in 3 Americans have vaped nicotine or cannabis, and 55% of Americans have smoked cigarettes or cannabis. More than half of vapers and smokers — 52% — lie to their health insurance provider about their habit. Among baby boomers who vape or smoke, this jumps to 63%. 24% of vapers have experienced health issues they suspect were caused by vaping, such as shortness of breath or coughing. Gen Zers who vape are most likely to notice health issues (33%). Gen Zers are most likely to vape but least likely to smoke. While 53% of Gen Zers say they've never smoked cigarettes or cannabis, only 49% of them say the same about vaping. Though one of the main reasons vapers started their habit was to quit smoking cigarettes, 30% of vapers say it would be difficult to stop. Among Gen Zers, this figure rises to 45%. The danger isn't just in the smoke, as 23% of consumers admit to driving under the influence of cannabis. An additional 34% have been a passenger in a car operated by someone high. About, part of LendingTree (NASDAQ: TREE), is a personal finance website that conducts in-depth research and provides objective analysis to help guide consumers to the best financial decisions. ValuePenguin focuses on value, assessing whether the return of a particular decision is worth the cost or risk of that option, and how this stacks up with the other possible choices they may have. For more information, please visit, like our Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter @ValuePenguin.


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