PLEASANTON, Calif., Sept. 30: Zione Solutions, an Oracle Cloud Partner paired its database architecture, security, and application tuning expertise with RackWare's top-of-the-line disaster recovery features to enable enterprises to move gracefully to the cloud. Many corporations are migrating mission critical applications to the cloud. The twosome's complimentary services ensure that new deployments deliver the reliability and availability that established enterprises require, drive up application Quality of Service, and drive down Total Cost of Ownership. "RackWare's state-of-the-art, cost-effective disaster recovery solutions provide peace of mind to corporations relocating mission critical applications to the cloud. Knowing that their data will be protected is key to their willingness to embrace digital technology, which provides them with a significant competitive edge," said Sanjay Varma, President, and Founder, Zione Solutions, LLC. Technology has beco...